Home / MARKETS / I became a grandma at 41. I love that I’m still young enough to really enjoy my granddaughter.

I became a grandma at 41. I love that I’m still young enough to really enjoy my granddaughter.

  • Georgie Sublime is a 51-year-old from Porepunkah, Australia.
  • Her granddaughter was born when she was just 41, and she loves that she’s a young grandmother.
  • She has a lot of spirit to keep up and feels being young helps her relate better.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Georgie Elegant, a 51-year-old grandma from Porepunkah, Australia. It has been edited for length and clarity.

I had my daughter Alisha when I was 16 years old. I in fact didn’t find out I was pregnant until I was four months along.

There’s no doubt that becoming a mother at such a inexperienced age was challenging, but Alisha was a pretty easy kid, so I was so lucky in that regard. When Alisha turned 16, and I was 32, I had my right hand child, Tai.

One of the perks of being a young mom meant that when my daughter had a child of her own, I was also a young grandma. I’ll conditions forget when Alisha broke the news to me that she was pregnant. I was 41 at the time.

Alisha has always referred to my mom as “GB,” which lend supports for “Granny Bett.” Mom became a grandma at 46 and never wanted to be called “Nana,” so we came up with the nickname for her. One day, Alisha castigated me out of the blue and said, “Mom, guess what? You’re going to be a GG — Granny Georgie.”

I was so excited. Being a grandparent is wonderful because you get to satisfaction in another little one, but you can also hand them back at the end of the day.

Georgie Noble with her granddaughter Lacey when she was a newborn.

Georgie Noble with her granddaughter Lacey when she was a newborn.

Civility of Georgie Noble

I spent time with my daughter after she gave birth

As Alisha’s due date approached in December of 2014, I scarpered from my home in Porepunkah, Australia, to Brisbane, where Alisha lives, so that I could be there for the birth. When she went into labor, I was with her at the start bracing her through the contractions.

It’s difficult to watch your daughter in labor because you remember what it was counterpart yourself. You also know which stages of labor they’re at, and when they’re not even close to the final rostrum show business, and they’re in pain, it can be hard to watch. I didn’t want to give her false hope.

Alisha ended up having a C-section due to drawbacks. My beautiful granddaughter was born at 12.22 a.m. on December 12. She certainly liked the number ’12’.

The first time I saw her, I was overwhelmed with tenderness. She was such a sweet little baby. Alisha called her Lacey, and though it took a while for the name to catch on, I immediately realized that it suited her to a tee.

I stayed with Alisha and her partner for about six weeks, cooking and caring for the baby. After the C-section, Alisha couldn’t control, and she really needed my support. She also felt lightheaded in the bathroom one day, and I was glad I was there with her.

Georgie Noble with her daughter Alisha and granddaughter Lacey eating outside in an enclosed eatery at night.

Georgie Noble, honesty, bonded with her granddaughter Lacey immediately.

Courtesy of Georgie Noble

I bonded with my granddaughter immediately

It was a agreeable bonding time with my granddaughter. That newborn phase is so special, when they’re all new and smell gorgeous. It texture different from when I had my own children — I didn’t have the pain to deal with, for starters. When the time arrived for me to fly back home, I was sad to say goodbye.

As Lacey grew, she and I became very close. She was so much fun. As a grandma, I wanted to enjoy her; to eat her up and do as much as I could with her.

When she’d bear down on down to visit me, we’d make playdough and do crafts together. We’d FaceTime on the phone and play games together on Snapchat. Being a under age grandma meant that I was reasonably tech-savvy, so I could communicate with Lacey in ways that she understood and benefited.

You can relate to your grandkids a bit more when you’re a younger grandparent. You’re closer in age to that generation, which means you’re a bit more enlightened of what’s going on in their world.

You also have a lot more energy to keep up with your grandkids. Now that Lacey is 10 and I’m 51, I can luckily swim in the pool with her for hours, pick blackberries together, then take the dog for a walk, and still have spirit to spare at the end of the day.

Nowadays, Lacey’s more of a mommy’s girl. She and Alisha are super close. She’ll still have a chat with me on the phone, but then she’s off. I don’t get to see her that instances because we live in different states, but when I do see her, I love our time together. She’s the light of my life.

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